Thursday, June 17, 2010


Question: What makes one an experienced writer and why is it useful?
Answer: As student writers we were always thought to revise our paper when we are done or simply give it to someone else to revise it for us. But most average students who revise their paper don’t take in mind whether if one has done lexical, conceptual or dictation errors. Most even just write to fulfill the requirements that a teacher has set for them. But as the complete opposite the experienced writer is more dedicated in detail and revision. The article “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers” by Nancy Sommers describes the experience writer as one who is able to learn the cause, condition and the product of the paper as well as the inspirations and influences that might have had to write the story. The main strategies that experience writers use is not a certain why of revision but it’s more of a recursive process. Where the reader read the story many time and every time he reads it he/she look for different literacy errors such as vocabulary, lexical repletion or even conceptual repetition. The author Nancy Sommers also mentions that most readers are not able to revise their paper correctly because they lack” new eyes to re-new their work”. Meaning the writer may not be able to see his/ her mistake because he/she already imagines what he/she was trying to picture. So basically experienced writers are those who have the new eye to re-new their work and are able use the recursive process.

1 comment:

  1. As you said, experienced writers are more "dedicated" and I think that is one of the aspects that makes them good writers. Sometimes students tend to be lazy and to work only the minimum, we do not want to go beyond. Thus, we deprive ourselves of the acquisition of knowledge. Students need to be more dedicated in order to improve both the writing and reading skills and to make great compositions just as the experienced writers.
    I liked the development of your ideas.
    It was good that you compared both students and experienced writers but that you focused more on the experienced ones. That helped to answer the question perfectly.
