Thursday, June 17, 2010

Discussion on Summers

1. Why is Sommers arguing that writing is not linear (378) and why writing can't be compared to speech?

She is saying that that people may take their own ways in the “stages” in that some might follow the linear model, however, some tend to do things in an unsystematic way. And writing can’t really be compared to speech, in that you cannot revise your verbal words. In that, once expressed there is no real way in retracting the statement, besides saying “I retract that statement. ” Yet it has been said, and there is no real way of revising what you have just said.

2. Compare the revision strategies of experienced and student writers!

Student writers tend to just reword their essays, not change content. They try to improve their idea in a way. They don’t often change their thoughts/texts to agree with the implied changes. And experienced writers in turn search for shape their argument around what they have said.

3. Sommers (386) says that revision is a recursive process. What does she mean?

She means that after each cycle of revising, you use different levels of focus and intent. The first time through we may have an intense focus on the piece, mainly to weed out the grammatical errors and such. The next time through we may be a little less focused, yet or intent may be towards revising the ideas and thoughts.

4. Choose one of the quotes and explain what Sommers means by it.

                a. “What is curious, however, is that students are aware of the lexical repetition, but not conceptual repetition” (382).

That students are aware that they might repeat themselves grammatically, which is pretty east to notice. Yet, when it comes to their thoughts and ideas within the piece, they are more likely to look over the fact that they have repeated the same general idea.

Composed By:

George Llanos

Geno Martinez

Ruth Espiricueta

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