Thursday, June 17, 2010

discussion on Sommers

Krizia Velez

Jose Barrera

1.Writing is not linear because it doesn’t repeat itself. If the writing were linear, it would be boring. Non-linear writing makes the writing more fun and exciting. Speech can’t be compared to writing because in writing you think more of what you are going to say. You have more of a complete thought process of what you are going to put in your paper. When you speak, you usually just say what’s on your mind. There is really no thought process.

2. Students writers are not comfortable with the word revision, “they understand the revision process as a rewording activity.” Experienced adult writers “often use the structure of expressions”. “They have a second objective: a concern for their readers”

3. She is trying to say that when revising, the process repeats itself. In other words, you can do the same thing over again as many times as you want. The process will be the same therefore making it better every time you do it.

4. If the students feel inspired, if the writing comes easily, and if they don't get stuck on individual words or phrases, then they say that they cannot see any reason to revise” What she means by this is that when a student feels that their writing is well done, they see no reason to revise it. They think that it is perfect the way it is and want to leave it as so. An experienced writer would revise it even if they thought it was perfect. She is trying to prove the point of the fact that experienced writers take the time and effort to revise their writing even if they think it is perfect.

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