Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Q:What misconception do “Good Readers” seem to be under? How does it affect their writing? How would a true good reader be described?

R: The definition of a good reader is one who can read an article, text, or any reading work at a good speed and understand what the author is trying to communicate to the reader. A good reader can break and article down and explain what is happening. His or her answer to the question asked would probably be a good summary or paraphrasing of the content he/she read. They tend to think they fully comprehended what the author was trying to portray when in reality they only looked at the surface, the outer layer of content. A real reader digs deeper than the surface. He/she begins to look for more than one option of interpretation. He/she carefully breaks the text down and read it peeling the layers like an onion and read it in different levels. He/she fully analysis every detail being presented trying to relate and connect with the author. She/he tries to get into the authors state of mind and see the topic being presented through their eyes. A good reader becomes absorbed with the reading. A true reader goes far and beyond and their response and is not afraid to express is opinion. Real readers use strategies that allow them to interpret text and solve problems of comprehension. They analyze, criticize and crack the core of the concept. “Good Readers” seem to think that if you understand the words in the text and if you can rephrase in your own words, you have “read” the excerpt well and by rewording, they will have a great response, therefore there essay will be successful, but writing doesn’t work that way. If one just reads the surface, their writing will be nothing more than just a repetitive rephrased essay. At the end they’ll only have the teacher reading a summary of what she already knew and no opinion from the student like he/she expected. This won’t benefit the reader at all. One has to learn to read correctly. Use strategies and break down the text. See what the author is trying to say. Look deeper. Leave the idea of being a “Good Reader” and strive to be a Real Reader!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your blog. I thought that i was a good reader until I read this article. I would read the selection or articles and was content with thinking that I had understood what the author was trying to convey,but I was wrong. I would read the words but not the meaning of the actual words.
