Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Question: what should teachers teach in English courses ?

Answer: English departments have chosen to teach a certain curriculum which may only focus on few forms studies of writing such as grammar structure and developing a well thought thesis . The truth is that English is a really complex subject which is used everywhere on a daily basis in a student life and if not taught right it can leave a student crippled and in a disadvantage against other students. But the question still stands" what should teacher tech in English courses?" teacher should set a ground principal rule mentioned by James Reither in the article of Downs and Wardle / Teaching about writing "the first of our shared beliefs corresponds with James reither assertion that writing cannot be taught independent of content. meaning that writing cannot be thought to a certain standard form of thoughts. writing should we should be left to the students own free will of thoughts in this way the student has more mind power to manipulate word to his or her own free will. Resisting misconceptions section in the same article mentions that " by teaching the more realistic writing narrative itself , we have a theoretically greater chance of making students better writers then we do by assuming the one two genres we teach them will automatically transfer to other writing situations." Here the article clearly states that teachers have a better chance of success in student s when they organize their thought it a well written paragraph followed by their support of their thought. this would more easily be more transferable to any other situation such a biology report or simply writing a argument paper. therefore I believe that teacher are suppose to teach the importance the free will of thoughts and the importance of writing in the form of realistic writing.

1 comment:

  1. How do you think teachers should teach what the article is talking about? I know there is no format but maybe give examples?
