Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Q & R 1

How do we write in college?
To write in college, a common misconception would be that a student must write a lot to fill in empty space. Down and Wardle have made the idea clear that the idea of an English course is not taken seriously by those who speak mainly English. Introduction to writing studies is important because it changes the understandings about writing, which would change the way we write. The concept starts with the teacher being able to touch the subject. The assumptions about English being universal will discourage many students to write. A student’s own experience and knowledge will reflect who they are as a writer.
I hope that this course will show me how to put my ideas and opinions to any writing assignments that come my way. I want my voice to be heard by my audience to introduce a new way of interpreting what they are reading. There are many different topics to write about which makes it difficult for anyone who may not know how to write. A research paper and an essay are usually thought of as two different types of writing but are in fact very similar. Writing studies will prove to the student that there is a way to write a research paper just as well as an essay with a topic of your choice. If more students were required to read this article, English would not have as many misconceptions. This article will change the way we view the subject, what we believe, which would change the way we teach, with this being said students will change the way they study. It will help any student as a learner.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are write about what you wrote. We are all constantly learning things. Good point
