Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Q: How are the high school teachers writing skill not helpful when it comes to college writing? How does high school writing differ from college writing? How does the FYC help you improve your writing skills and benefit your college writing and your personal view towards writing?

R:When In high school, students are given writing assignments that consist of conducting researches, reading novels, articles, or poem excerpts and writing about them. English and writing courses taught us that writing is done in an outline form. It teaches students to write in a customary format. They plant universal rules that keep students writing in a routine. Yes, the subjects and topics being presented may be different, but the structure of the essay is always the same. The writing usually has the same exact information as the story, poem or topic being provided. The only difference is the words are usually rephrased. High School also teaches us that writing is a very easy subject and that many have the talent naturally, but writing is more complex than that. High School teachers don’t teach you the art of writing or the importance of knowing how to write properly. Students can write numerous amounts of essays in high school, get straight A’s in their English classes, yet not fully understand the art of writing. Not really understand the complexity of writing skills and not see past the common misconception that writing is a simple topic that really isn’t needed throughout life. To be a good writer you don’t have to follow an outline that explains point by point what the topic is about. It’s okay to be a little messy. It’s about expressing you own opinion. Opening up your mind and letting the audience reading your writing see the topic through your eyes. The organization of the work isn’t so important, what matters are the ideas being delivered, the facts and information being presented. That the message is understandable and the point of the essay is clear. Transitioning from high school to college writing is not easy. College writing is not easy. College writing requires looking deeper into the main topic. It requires more personal opinion. It requires more thinking. Writing isn’t only used in English and writing courses in College, writing is used in almost every course you take. It’s very important to be able to write well so your ideas are clear to your professors and the people reading your writing. You have to be able to understand writing far beyond than just thinking of it as reading and rephrasing. The FYC is a course that helps you better understand the nature of writing. It helps students understand the type of writers they are. It opens minds to see that writing is not as simple as many display it to be, but it’s not impossible to learn what you need to know to be a good writer. It teaches students the art of the subject and shows a new way of thinking towards you own writing, but most importantly it teaches students that there is no such thing as a bad writer. This ideology will help you become a better writer and help your voice be better heard on paper.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your blog because I am one of the ones that thought that english was an easy class,but you are right their is a lot more to writing than we are taught in high school. In high school you are not taught the art of writing and basically just paraphrase what others have written. In college on the other hand you express your opinion a lot more and once you understand the art of writing you appreciate it more.
