Friday, June 25, 2010

How important is the way the student interprets an assignment given by the teacher?

How can students take more interest in a research paper by using rhetorical reading?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How can you create an argument into a genuine argument?

An argument is created by one’s own personal view of a situation. How you personally believe things should work or pan out. Allowing people to hear you opinion and presenting proof to back up you idea. You use sources to prove you point of view and try to convince others why you think that way. Sources usually consist of books, articles, excerpts, news, etc. A common mistake made by many students is not properly sourcing their arguments. They tend to create a fair argument but they lack personality. They lack a genuine argument. Genuine is described as something authentic, something legitimate something real. To have a genuine argument, it cannot rely on sources alone; it has to have a piece of you in it. It has to show your own personal perspective and idea. A common mistake in writing arguments is that many students refer back to sources and find it easier to quote and paraphrase the information they read. They base most of their argument in the author’s ideas and write very little of their own. To create a genuine argument, the writer must look past the obvious and try to present the audience a more unique perspective of the argument presented. Use the sources, but don’t just summarize what the authors say, tell the audience what you think and back up your argument. Use strategies such as rhetorical and content to deliver you message but keep the argument authentic. An argument says a lot about a person. If you have a strong genuine argument, people are going to take you seriously. People will hear what you have to say and try to see things from your perspective, but if your argument is weak with no character in it, people won’t try to see in your point of view at all.

Q&R 5

Why is that we write as it is stated?
How can we ever understand any text if we just read and write as it is said, we don't state the essay or our writing assignments with our thoughts. "The concept of rhetorical situation offers insight into the nature of students representations of writing a task"(80), it means to have a relationship with the writing ans and give your opinion and facts to state the point learned and not always what "Wikipedia" says; to go beyond the Internet sources.
As students we need techniques for reading text in ways that gives us more to say to construct complex representations of any reading or actual real life situations."Rhetorical skills can be used to read the sources as well to design the paper". It might be unusual to actually want tO state our opinions in writing assignments, because professors don't always agree and some might even lower your grade. I myself have stated my opinion in previous assignments and receive comments from professors saying "I don't agree" so how is that professors want us to be out spoken when we can't have the freedom we want in our writing. We all view things differently, and don't agree with others concern, wheter it is politics, or literature nothing is the same when we write, we state opinions or just go by what is read, I believe we should state opinions by what we believe and surround with facts that comply with that.
Often things are written by what is read, research papers are never what we think, it is what is known and already stated and then written to that form, when thinking rhetorically we see both facts and opinions. “According to Toulmin, any aspect of an argument may be questioned by the audience and must then be supported with further argument.)In a rhetorical argument, a fact is a claim that an audience will accept as being true without requiring proof, although they may ask for an explanation.”(82) So as we write let's put more opinions and state thing we believe even if at a point it isnt true, we are the writers we choose what we want.
Q&R 4: Are teachers in high school the ones to blame for students not revising their writing?
Response: I agree that teachers are the ones to blame for the students not willingly revising their writing. When I was a student in high school we were never asked to revise our work before turning it in. the teachers I had in high school would only tell us what we had to write, in what format, and when it was due. The teachers never encouraged us to reread or revise our writing to make sure we had eliminated all of our mistakes. In this article, Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers written by Nancy Sommers, the research that was conducted concluded that students do not willing revise their writing (383). I as a students still in college can agree that willingly would not revise my work because it would mean that I would have to spend time looking over it and seeing what had to be corrected or changed. I mean honestly what student would like to do more work than what has already been asked from him/her. Sometimes students do not revise their writing because there are so many rules that have to be followed when writing. These strategies are teacher based, directed towards a teacher-reader who expects compliance of rules-with pre existing “conceptions”-and who will only examine parts of the composition (383). Students only apply what they have learned to their writing and if teachers do not teach them to revise their work, students are not going to do it on their own. At best the students see their writing altogether passively through the eyes of former teachers or their surrogates, the textbooks, and are bound to the rules which they have been taught (383). So I mean teachers are the ones to blame for students not revising their writing. If teachers do not teach students to revise their writing or how to do it how do they expect them to improve their writing.
Q&R 5: Why do students have such a hard time writing original papers based on textual sources?
Response:I believe that as students we do have some problems with writing papers that come from textual sources. As students we believe that anything written in books should be facts but after reading “Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively” by Margaret Kantz I realized that textbooks don’t always narrate just facts. In the article it gave an example of student which I can relate to and her name was Shirley. It explained that Shirley had a passion for English history and therefore she decided to write on the Battle of Agincourt. She put a lot of facts into the paper she wrote but didn’t put any of her own thought into it. Instead she just recapped what the articles she had collected said. I also have problems when writing over textual sources because usually we just want to collect all the facts and write them in a story form, and that’s not the correct way to do it. It is easier to quote than to paraphrase, and it is easier to build the paraphrase, without comment or with random comments, into a description of what one found than it is to use them as evidence in an original argument (76). The article showed me to that I have to evaluate the material and use it as proof in an original argument. This will help me support the argument and I will be using textual sources at the same time. Student also have problems when writing papers that come from textual sources because students misunderstand the sources and read them as stories, expect their sources to tell the truth; hence, they equate persuasive writing in this context with making things up, or students don’t understand the facts are a kind of claim(78). This article has helped me understand how to incorporate textual sources with my own original comment.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Q&R: 5

What is Kantz’s view in writing an effective research paper?

A research paper must have the topic in which anybody can argue about and your audience can understand what side you are in. Choosing a topic is an important part to writing a research paper because it is what a writer feels they can discuss and know they will provide knowledge of their own. Also, finding as many helpful sources possible based on the topic will build proof and persuasion into an argument.
The argumentative paper needs sources as evidence for an argument. Such evidence mostly involves quotes. This helps the writer apply to ethos, pathos, or logos depending on where the quotes come from. Most people refer to a direct citation coming from books because; usually books are what provide enough information to what one argues. A writer may strengthen their paper by applying to ethos when quoting a person considered famous for having the knowledge of a certain topic because the audience can see that the person provides proof to the writer’s argument. However, the writer must be precautious of where they are getting the sources from because the sources’ author should be known for what he/she is in favor of.
Yet, when looking for sources, they must not be read as a narrative because it will lead to a misunderstanding on what one is arguing. The main point to writing a strong research paper is by having information well-proven by quotes that do not simply state the fact but what has already tried to be proved before. When integrating a quote, it does not necessarily need to be paraphrased but described in detail for better support, forming an informative paragraph. The paragraphs must be connected by keeping the genuine argument and maintaining a direct and persuasive style of writing.
The Kantz’s main view in writing an effective research paper is behind the sources and how they are explained. The sources must be descriptive, persuasive, and supportive for the reader to understand the writer’s purpose in favoring their argument.

Q & R 5

What methods can be used to help students use textual sources persuasively or more efficiently?

Well after reading the article that Kantz wrote, I know without a doubt that many students fall under this category myself included. The problem that a lot of students have is that when they read material presented to them they are just use to summarizing what they read and that is all. A lot of things come into effect when writing. Students just read think of a main idea then write it onto paper which isn’t necessarily correct. Sometime students don’t understand the material but they continue to write as if they did according to Kantz. Not all sources that are read are not accurate and when students read them they get the impression that they are so they use that as reference not knowing that what they use is wrong. All Kantz is trying to refer is that students need to be learned how to do this in order to become better writers and not just do basic summarization.

Jaime A

q&r 5

Why students have problem writing persuasive researched papers?

“Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively” by Margaret Kantz, talks about the importance that students should know how to use textbooks to write a research paper and to understand how to teach students to write persuasively and thus the students would be able to achieve this common problem.

The difficulty of writing these papers comes from the way the students do not read correctly and the way they perceive the text they are reading. Kantz shows three reasons why the students have a problem beginning with the part that they do not understand the text. The first reason is that many students misunderstand the text or reading because they try to see them as stories to make a better understanding but the opposite happens. The second reason is which I think that is the most common because before reading this paper I had this problem; many students believe all what they read in the books, so they think all the sources they got are truthful in which case is not. And finally, the third reason is that students do not understand that “the facts are a kind of claim and are often used persuasively in so-called objective writing to create impression”

What students need to do is to read source text with rhetorical reading. Every student needs to make a reading technique and use it when they are reading but in a way that their mind work to give them something more to say. Analyze the text so that they come with original ideas too.

Q&5: Why is it important to know the difference between a research paper and a narrative essay?
Many students who try to complete a research paper fail to do so because they stick the pattern of narrative essays. In the article “Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively,” Margret Kantz presents to us the example of a college sophomore writing student named Shirley. Shirley writes a research paper for her English class about the Battle of Agincourt. However, her professor, Dr. Boyer, gives her paper a C. Shirley made the mistake of not analyzing her paper, and basically just summarized what she read in her sources. “Shirley collated these facts into her own version, noting but not discussing discrepant details, borrowing what she assumed was to be her sources’ purpose of retelling the story, and modeling the narrative structure of her paper on that of her sources.”(75).
I think that students have a habit of sticking to their comfort zone, and that is to stick to what they know best. Many find it challenging to make the transition from a narrative to a research. According to the article, this is known as writer-based prose which is when a student “organizes what should be an expository analysis as a narrative especially when she writes a narrative about how she did her research” (78). I think students need to understand that there is a lot more to researching, than just summarizing what we think is correct. Because Shirley did not quite know the difference, she failed to meet the research paper requirements and got a C on her research paper.

Q & R 5

Q & R 5: How important is the way a student uses a text in a writing-from-sources task?

When writing original papers based on textual sources, students may find some difficulties that may not allow the successful fulfillment of the task the teacher is asking for. One of those difficulties is the way students use the different sources which they are going to refer to when writing the paper. It is very important for each student to make a good use of each one of the sources; otherwise it will become an obstacle and a factor of frustration.
Most of the times, when asked to use different sources in order to write an essay on a certain topic, students tend to use the information from the sources, take a bit of information from here and another bit from there to make not a new one but the same story, the only thing that changes is the way it looks like. As Kantz stated: “a writing-from-sources task can be as simple as collating a body of facts from a few short texts…into a new text that reproduces the structure, tone, and purpose of the originals” (Kantz 76).
The way the student uses the textual sources will influence in the originality of the essay he or she is working on. In order to be original or to build original arguments one must write what one thinks. A good thing for a student to do, as Kantz suggested, is to learn to think of the sources as existing to solve problems and intended for a particular audience, by doing so it will be much easier to think of things to say (Kantz 84). That would be a good use of the sources which also would avoid plagiarism. Sometimes students do not know how to identify the purpose nor the intended audience of a text thus we get frustrated and tend to copy or reproduce in our papers what was found in the source. The problem here is not wanting to plagiarize but the lack of strategies to develop own ideas. The needed strategies had not been taught either, which is a shame because when the students face high-level writings and readings is so difficult and frustrating to fulfill the requirements of each assignment.
I think that what influences the way a student uses the sources is the will of the student to work on the task, the effort he or she wants to put on. If the students do not want to work hard, the laziness will take them to copy from others. It is easier to take other’s ideas as owns than to create original ones.
I believe that the way students use the sources available is one of the most important aspects in order to accomplish the writing task successfully. If the student uses them in a wrong way, the sources will only be an obstacle; but if a good use of the sources is done, it will be easier to be original and to create an original paper.

Q&R 5

Why did the student (Shirley) experience difficulty with assignments that required her to write original papers?

According to Kantz, “writing a synthesis can vary in difficulty according to the number and length of the sources, the abstractness or familiarity of the topic, the uses that the writer must make of the material, the degree and quality of original thought required, and the extent to which the sources will supply the structure and purpose of the new paper. “ She is basically saying that people find it easier to write a paper with only one source. When there are multiple sources, it is more difficult to keep your focus on only one thing and people usually get confused because of all the reading that is involved. I honestly think that to be true because when there is less sources, I find that I am more organized with my writing and I can find what I am looking for much easier. It isn’t always this way though; some students might actually find having more sources easier. They have more options from where to get their ideas from and they can actually manage to have all those sources. Overall, I believe Shirley experienced difficulty because of the fact that there were too many sources. She was so used to writing narrative papers and when she is faced with having to write an original paper like that, she could not do it.


How do you organize your writings?

As we learned in “Helping students Use Textual Sources Persuasively” the way that students should avoid writing their informative writings is in a chronological or time based order. Instead, they should organize their ideas in a way that allows them to argue and persuade their audience more efficiently. This means they have to focus mostly on facts.

In my writing I’ve noticed that I am a more analytical writer. I prefer to go down a list of facts and giving explanations to them in order of importance, rather than attempting to tell a story. I believe that when a writer organizes his or her text(s) based on the importance of the different aspects of the topic, the text as a whole becomes a very persuasive argument. Without sources convincing an audience becomes difficult. The writer needs to provide a ground for their ideas to expand, rather than trying to tell a story and avoid using any type of reference to gain credibility and the trust of the audience.

Credibility is, in my opinion, the key part of convincing an audience. If the information that you present is not credible, then quite simply your audience will be skeptical. However, if the writer uses a source form anther more experienced writer, or data from a scientist or statistician who already has a credible name, then the audience automatically is pushed to think that the argument is at least worth hearing. After that the writer has the ability to use the sources that he or she has gathered to the best of their abilities to convince their audience of something. The art of persuasion is based on how well one person can appeal to another, which further means that in order to convince someone you need to get that person to think about a why they should get involved in something.

Q&R 5: Why do students write research papers as narrative essays?

One of the reasons why students do that write narrative essay in place of a research paper is because they don’t have much experience with research papers and they are used to the simple pattern of narrative essays. Students tend to write in the way they are most comfortable with and so when they have to write in a new way, they have difficulty adjusting to the transition because they aren’t use to it. According to the article, this is known as writer-based prose which is when a student “organizes what should be an expository analysis as a narrative, especially when she writes a narrative about how she did her research” (78). Students start to narrate how they are going to write their paper and explain what they wrote. By doing so, students are now writing a narrative essay rather than the research paper that they were supposed to do. However, that is not only the students’ fault; it is also the professors’. This is due to the fact that the professors don’t explain clearly what they want and they don’t really teach the students anything about textual sources and how to use them in their essays. To prove my point the article mentions that “Professors may have to do some preparatory teaching about why certain kinds of texts have certain characteristics and what kinds of problems writers must solve as they design text for a particular audience. They may have to teach a model for the kind of writing they expect.” (78). If the professors aren’t clear about how they want their research papers to be done, then the student will not write a research paper; he/she will instead start to narrative essay because they won’t know what to do.

By: Denise Valdez

Q&R 5

Why should students use textual sources? Why are textual sources so accurate?
Students should use textual sources because they are another way of writing about the assignment. These sources are out there for us, the students, to use at our own will. However, we must properly cite them in order for us to not get arrested due to plagiarism. Information from books is usually the best way to get ahead in an assignment that HAS to be turned in right away. Usually, information that the students acquire from books are the most valuable and precise information that they can possibly attain. However; I’m not saying that books are always right (usually they are), what I’m saying is that I believe students should use textual sources in order to attain the proper grades in their assignment. The only reasons that I can think about regarding this question, would definitely have to be the following:
1. Textual sources are so accurate because they come from a book.
2. They have been studied, refined, and perfected by professionals.
3. They are facts, proven by the authors.
I have given these three statements mostly because they are the only thing that comes to my mind.


Q: What is Margaret Kantz trying to explain to readers about student readers?

In Katz’s article it says that a theory based explanation is needed to understand the nature and reasons for students’ problems with writing persuasive researched papers. It means that teachers support student creativity by teaching students to see themselves as better writers and to set reading and writing goals for themselves that will allow them to think deeper ideas. Kantz does say that you should know how to interpret your own readings also you should be able to understand what you are reading because it will be much easier to comment on different articles. She explains how difficult it is to express “original” arguments, arguments that concern your own idea, ideas that come from your own thoughts. Based on her researched I’ve learned that people find it easier to use what one likes in writing basis, and also using a source than original ideas. This I point out that she is concerned about how people do not use what they’ve learned and put it into their own concept. It would help a writer become incredibly aware of their own writing ideas and thoughts they posses due to using methods of their own originality

Q & R 5

Why is it important for students to learn how to read, analyze and write using rhetorical skills?
In her essay, Margret Kantz tries to illustrate to us the great necessity for writing students, and any writer to learn to read, analyze what they read, and write rhetorically to be able to write knowledgeably, clearly, and effectively. She does this by giving us the example of a college sophomore writing student named Shirley. Shirley writes a research paper for her English class about the Battle of Agincourt, however, her instructor Dr. Boyer gives her a C. Shirley obtained this grade because she did not read rhetorically, her research sources. In her paper, Shirley merely summarized what her research had said and restated it, she made no effort to analyze or interpret her sources. Shirley failed to do what so many other college writings students do. They fail to read something and “read between the lines”, to interpret for themselves the true meaning and purpose of a work of fiction or a historical work, and the context in which it was written. Kantz argues that it is very important for all readers and writers to read and write rhetorically so as to be able to gain the deeper meaning of something and to be able to analyze it and think for themselves. Many writing students fail to come up with their own original ideas and to expand on them. If Shirley had known more about the Battle of Agincourt, she might have been able to understand the conditions under which it occurred and from different sources, then analyzed it and drawn from it her own conclusions. It is important for the creation of good, well composed, flowing writing that readers and writers be able to read and write between the lines and draw the true meaning of things.

1.What were your reading purposes of this text? And what were your attitudes? Can you tell how these two factors affected your writing Q&R 5?

To show the reader ways of making a good argument without summarizing sources. We realized that the techniques we usually use to create an argument are wrong because they don’t create a genuine argument, its more summarizing and paraphrasing. This article presented ways of using sources differently. We still use the sources but put more originality into the response.

2. What is original argument? How did you come up with a question every time you write a Q&R? How did you formulate your response? Do you see your responses as original arguments? Why?

An original argument is a genuine idea, the writer’s own opinion. The question comes from what you do not understand or are curious to know. You have to go back and reread the article and formulate what you think is the response to the question. Yes because it is your own opinion.

3. What is “writer-based prose”? Examples?

It is a writing in which you express your own ideas and thoughts without worrying about what the audience thinks. Examples: journals, advertising.

4. What is rhetorical situation? What includes in a typical rhetorical situation? What is the significance of each angle in the rhetorical situation triangle? What does a focus on a particular point of the triangle tell you?

It is a communicative situation that includes the speaker/writer (encoder), an audience (decoder), and a topic (reality). Every angle is so important but it depends on the purpose of the writer. It tells you whether it is the encoder, decoder, or reality.

5. What are the differences between facts and opinions?

A fact is a claim that people will accept as being true but they do not ask for a proof. An opinion is a claim that people need proof to accept.

Ruth Espiricueta

Ruby Garcia

Dulce Rivera

Discussion on Kantz

1. Our reading purposes for this text were to develop our skills in regards to obtaining research information. Our attitudes toward the piece showed surprise to finding that there is more to using textual evidence. We asked ourselves questions to why it is more difficult to find sources and decided to make Q&R’s reflecting what we were thinking toward quoting and finding evidence.

2. The original argument is how one finds evidence correctly for an effective paper. By commenting on what the writer is trying to say and coming up with questions you would like to ask them. I formulated my response by answering the question myself and then looking for evidence in the article to support it. I see my responses as an original argument because it can strike a discussion in between the class.

3. “Writer-based prose” is writing an “expository analysis” as a narrative or any other type of time-based style.

4. A rhetorical situation is composed into a triangular diagram used to help express the thoughts of the writer and persuade the reader. The triangular diagram explains that the Encoder is the speaker or writer, the Decoder is the audience and Reality is the topic. I considered the particular point of the Encoder to be an important part of the triangular diagram because it is what begins an argument that may bring the Decoder to think of the Reality.

5. A fact is mostly part from the text and what you read to attain information and opinions come from the researcher –basically sharing what they think of what they are discussing.

Composed by: Itzel Lopez, Geno Martinez, and George Llanos

duscussion on Kantz

1. What were your reading purposes of this text? And what were your attitudes? Can you tell how these two factors affected your writing Q&R 5?
Our purpose was to learn and understand how to properly use textual sources persuasively. It made us reflect on how we read and use resources to write our articles. They affected because it changed how we perceive the correct way to read and incorporate other writers information.

2. What is the original argument? How did you come up with a question every time you write a Q&R? How did you formulate your response? Do you see your responses as original arguments? Why?
The original argument is that few writers write theory-based explanations, and how to teach students to help write more persuasively. Read the content and form a question based on the biggest points in the article to answer elaborately. We see our responses as original arguments because it is based on your opinion.

3. What is “writer-based prose”? Examples?
“Writer-based prose is the tendency to impress by being more formal as a way to acquire authority and power believing this approves credibility.” In function, Writer-Based Prose is a verbal expression written by a writer to himself and for himself.

4. What is rhetorical situation? What includes in a typical rhetorical situation?
What is the significance of each angle in the rhetorical situation triangle? What does focus on a particular point of the triangle tell you?
The context of a rhetorical act, made of an issue, and an audience. It all contributes to how to rhetorical situation works. Focusing on a certain point, puts more emphasis on what you want to specify; either word author or audience.

5. What are the differences between facts and opinions?
The difference between a fact and opinion is that a fact is something that you can prove is true, and an opinion is one’s own thought.

Composed by: Priscilla Perez, Krizia Velez, Joshua Villarreal

Group Discussion on Kantz

1. What were your reading purposes of this text? And what were your attitudes? Can you tell how these two factors affected your writing Q&R 5?

The purpose of reading this article is because in Kantz article it teaches a theory based on explanation is need to understand the nature and reasons for students problems with writing persuasive researched papers. We agreed with the article because it helps better understand how research papers should be comprised.

2. What is original argument? How did you come up with a question every time you write a Q&R? How did you formulate your response? Do you see your responses as original arguments? Why?

There is a question to every argument and there is never a right question since everyone has their own opinion. They way we come up with a question is when the article whatever we may not understand we try and answer ourselves. After reading, we go back to the article and we try to find the answer to the question that we had created for ourselves. Yes and no because we use both our own words and refer more to the article.

3. What is “writer-based prose”? Examples?

Writing we do for ourselves and the writing we do for the reader before we become the reader. As an example when someone reads your journal it puts themselves in the writers position and by doing this makes the reader more interested in the text.

4. What is rhetorical situation? What includes in a typical rhetorical situation?

The position of writing that relates content and understanding in your own words. What is included is the context, the writer, topics,audiences, and the purpose this is what a typical rhetorical situation consists of.

What is the significance of each angle in the rhetorical situation triangle? What does a focus on a particular point of the triangle tell you?

One point can belong to the particular part of the triangle. you can be more original and express yourself more which can help you compose a better essay.

5. What are the differences between facts and opinions?

A fact is a proven statement while an opinion is your own statement to your best belief.

Jaime Arevalo

Alan Garcia

Nathan Moncivais

Discussion on Kantz

1.What were your reading purposes of this text? And what were your attitudes? Can you tell how these two factors affected your writing Q&R 5?
Our purpose was to know what the article was about and gain knowledge of "textual sources". Our attitudes upon reading were somewhat similar. We thought that this article was a bit long but shorter than Downs and Wardle. At first we weren't really interested but as we read along, we realized that we could relate to the student mentioned.

2. What is original argument? How did you come up with a question every time you write a Q&R? How did you formulate your response? Do you see your responses as original arguments? Why?
An original argument is when you write your own argument based on textual resources. We would focus on one of the ideas from the article and brainstorm on different questions and chose the one we thought was the best question. We would link personal experiences with our questions and examples from the article by adding quotes to support it. We don't think our responses are original arguments because we base our answers on the article and we don't really make an argument.

3. What is “writer-based prose”? Examples?
Writer-based prose is when a student "organizes what should be an expository analysis as a narrative". Examples would be when a student begins his/her paragraph with "my first point" or "my first source". They are trying to make it into a narrative by saying what they are going to write about and then explaining it.

4.What is rhetorical situation? What includes in a typical rhetorical situation? What is the significance of each angle in the rhetorical situation triangle? What does a focus on a particular point of the triangle tell you?
Rhetorical situation is how we represent but do not state. We read sources off of the internet and then write about what we read but we never say our opinions. The way we write isn't how present ourselves. The significance of each angle is that it sometimes one type of discourse belongs more to a particular point, or angle, than to the others.

5. What are the differences between facts and opinions?
Opinions are our own thoughts and feelings about a certain thing. Facts are statements based on actual events and are the truth.

Composed by: Jose Garcia, Ashley Torres, Denise Valdez

q&r discussion question

1. What were your reading purposes of this text? And what were your attitudes? Can you tell how these two factors affected your writing Q&R 5?
The purpose is to learn the methods of learning in articles or reading purposes. An open minded attitude to learning and the skills being used. The factors helped to analyze my written text even more to be detailed and thorough

2. What is original argument? How did you come up with a question every time you write a Q&R? How did you formulate your response? Do you see your responses as original arguments? Why?
The argument studies that students need to read beyond the lines and not only research but think on there own and find beyond sources than just the internet,and have a personal point of view. Some stated by the author that is questionable and able to research about it and help others understand my point of view and opinion rather than just the other. Formulating a response by thinking about it, in agreeing or not.

3. What is “writer-based prose”? Examples?
is when Shirley "organizes what should be an expository analysis as a narrative" we as students frequently use time - based organizing pattern.we do everything my point or by stating what is happening instead of the moral.

4. What is rhetorical situation? What includes in a typical rhetorical situation?
What is the significance of each angle in the rhetorical situation triangle? What does a focus on a particular point of the triangle tell you?

it means the way a writer presents a task and how we think of those dimensions and wheter she thinks about them at all.The triangle is flat and doesn't have anything to it, it means not adding more to it than what you can.

5. What are the differences between facts and opinions?

Fact are what is stated to be true and opinion can be what we interpret and analyze, what we believe in our own words and giving it detail by stating what others might not find true.

(By: Marlon Duran
Lizzbeth Morales)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Q&R 5

How can writing a research paper difficult compared to a narrative essay?
Margaret Kantz performs the study of a typical college sophomore. With inexperienced writing techniques, it is difficult to complete an assignment that requires a student to perform abilities that they have not yet acquired. Margaret Kantz explains that a research paper needs a “theory-based explanation.” Throughout the study, then author was able to pinpoint exactly where Shirley was confused about the topics that needed to be covered. Shirley used facts of the textual evidence and tied it into her own story. She wrote on a topic of her choice but was unable to comment on the material. Many students may face these difficulties because they do not analyze the text. They read the facts and find it easier to follow a particular format.
A writer must be able to complete a legitimate argument to produce a paper that includes the appropriate structure, ton, and the purpose of the original argument. Shirley based her paper on the facts and main purpose instead of going into depth. When I wrote my Project 1 essay, I was able to relax and not stress out about it. I was able to use reading strategies that Haas and Flower presented in order to make sure my audience understood what I was trying to explain. The rhetorical reading strategies require the reader to read in between the lines. I believe Shirley could have applied these strategies to her own paper but as she did the research paper, she was using content strategies.
When making an argument, it is still possible to use voice and opinions to persuade the reader to agree with the topic. Schwegler and Shamoon describe that the task is look at more like a fill in the blanks, show-me-you’ve-read approach by a typical student. Because Shirley took this approach her grade was surprisingly low.

Q&R 5

How can writing a research paper difficult compared to a narrative essay?
Margaret Kantz performs the study of a typical college sophomore. With inexperienced writing techniques, it is difficult to complete an assignment that requires a student to perform abilities that they have not yet acquired. Margaret Kantz explains that a research paper needs a “theory-based explanation.” Throughout the study, then author was able to pinpoint exactly where Shirley was confused about the topics that needed to be covered. Shirley used facts of the textual evidence and tied it into her own story. She wrote on a topic of her choice but was unable to comment on the material. Many students may face these difficulties because they do not analyze the text. They read the facts and find it easier to follow a particular format.
A writer must be able to complete a legitimate argument to produce a paper that includes the appropriate structure, ton, and the purpose of the original argument. Shirley based her paper on the facts and main purpose instead of going into depth. When I wrote my Project 1 essay, I was able to relax and not stress out about it. I was able to use reading strategies that Haas and Flower presented in order to make sure my audience understood what I was trying to explain. The rhetorical reading strategies require the reader to read in between the lines. I believe Shirley could have applied these strategies to her own paper but as she did the research paper, she was using content strategies.
When making an argument, it is still possible to use voice and opinions to persuade the reader to agree with the topic. Schwegler and Shamoon describe that the task is look at more like a fill in the blanks, show-me-you’ve-read approach by a typical student. Because Shirley took this approach her grade was surprisingly low.

Q&R 1

How can having good self confidence and asking for help when it is needed help students like Jack better succeed?
In the D&W Article we learned about a student named Jack who struggled through an English class at Utah Valley State College. His previous writing experiences with negligent discouraging classes and instructors in his earlier education had not only damaged his understanding about writing and his ability to write, but had actually damaged his self esteem to the point that he became very reluctant to even try to write. However, in his English with Professor Downs, he was greatly encouraged in his writing and helped by the instructor in his drafts and writings. This helped him to succeed and expand his prowess as a writer. I believe that it is very important that students of writing are given as much encouragement and help as they need because not many get it and this, I believe, is largely to blame for the failure of many students in writing and reading classes, because they don’t know what they are doing and do not have the confidence nor the support to help them learn and overcome their impairments. Self confidence is everything in terms of helping people succeed and overcome obstacles in life that hinder their true potential. If someone does not believe that one can do something, then they will fail from the onset. If I believe that I can’t write this paper and write it well, then I’ve already failed from the beginning simply by not believing in myself and my abilities. It is very possible that I won’t even attempt to write. However, if I have great confidence in myself and my abilities, I will have a much greater chance of trying and succeeding in my writing endeavors. This applies to everything in life, if someone does not have sufficient self confidence and believe that they can set out and achieve their goals, then they will fail.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Q&R4 Sommers
Do revisions from Peers really work or are they Helpful?

How can we as students revise other papers, when at times I don’t even know what I’m writing about let alone revise someone’s paper. “Students consider the thesaurus a harvest of lexical substitutions and believe that most problems in their essays can be solved by rewording” How can we as students be sure that our “revision’s “ of papers isn’t just rewording instead of the actual text making sense. Not all students actually give intense criticism that the writer can actually reflect on, I in my perspective rather have myself revise my paper or friends I can actually trust, or for the professor to review my writing with me. All I ever get from previous revisions is “doesn’t make sense, rephrase” other students don’t understand the way each individual has for writing each person has a different style. Are they really helpful? I guess the only way to actually prove if they do, is if the first time you did it without revision it made better sense or after the revision. If you actually like other students reading you’re work and some even receiving your ideas to use in their essays, or articles. So maybe trying revision of peers papers can be a good idea but its all in the comments you receive or if you’re a good writer is it worth someone other than the professor to read your articles or essays. “Recursive process- a processes with significant recurring activities – with different levels of attention and different agenda for each cycle”, is it actual what other students give in revising or is it just to finish the assignment.