Monday, June 21, 2010

Discussion on Kantz

1. Our reading purposes for this text were to develop our skills in regards to obtaining research information. Our attitudes toward the piece showed surprise to finding that there is more to using textual evidence. We asked ourselves questions to why it is more difficult to find sources and decided to make Q&R’s reflecting what we were thinking toward quoting and finding evidence.

2. The original argument is how one finds evidence correctly for an effective paper. By commenting on what the writer is trying to say and coming up with questions you would like to ask them. I formulated my response by answering the question myself and then looking for evidence in the article to support it. I see my responses as an original argument because it can strike a discussion in between the class.

3. “Writer-based prose” is writing an “expository analysis” as a narrative or any other type of time-based style.

4. A rhetorical situation is composed into a triangular diagram used to help express the thoughts of the writer and persuade the reader. The triangular diagram explains that the Encoder is the speaker or writer, the Decoder is the audience and Reality is the topic. I considered the particular point of the Encoder to be an important part of the triangular diagram because it is what begins an argument that may bring the Decoder to think of the Reality.

5. A fact is mostly part from the text and what you read to attain information and opinions come from the researcher –basically sharing what they think of what they are discussing.

Composed by: Itzel Lopez, Geno Martinez, and George Llanos

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